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  • Australian grown herbal extract Khaya senegalensis in proprietary form known as Khapregesic®
  • Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to
    • Relieve symptoms of mild anxiety
    • Reduce heavy menstruation and menstruation pain
    • Help reduce symptoms of heartburn and abdominal bloating
    • Reduce irritability, mood changes and breast pain associated with premenstrual tension
  • Free from dairy, gluten, eggs, nuts, soy and yeast
  • No added artificial flavour, colour or preservatives
  • Vegan friendly

Please note: Due to short-term batch transition, 3 x 14 tablet packs will be sent in place of 1 x 42 tablet size


  • 1 tablet twice daily, in the morning and evening, with or without meals
  • Begin 2 - 3 days before a period and continue for 7 days


  • Always read the label
  • Dietary supplements should not replace a balanced diet
  • If symptoms persist, worsen or change unexpectedly, consult your healthcare professional
  • May harm the liver
  • Use in children under 12 years is not recommended
  • Do not use for more than 7 days; not for prolonged use
  • Not recommended for use during pregnancy, lactation, or if likely to become pregnant


Khapregesic® Khaya senegalensis (African mahogany) ext.
ext. equiv. dry (stem bark)
500 mg
500 mg


TGA listed: AustL 315762. The TGA publishes product info including excipients under the "Other ingredients" subheading (not typically listed on the product label). Learn more about excipients