Bio-Practica is an Australian company owned by bWellness.
Bio-Practica was founded in 2014 by a team of expert health practitioners.
p: 1300 551 077
651 Portrush Road, Glen Osmond SA 5064
Traditionally used to relieve symptoms of stress
Traditionally used to reduce abdominal discomfort
Multi-mineral supplementary sports food
Supplemented with alkaline minerals
Practitioner compounding only
Probiotic chewable tablets
Probiotic lozenges (shelf stable)
Probiotic chews
Infant, baby and toddler probiotic
Helps prevent dietary vitamin D deficiency
Traditionally used as laxative support
Synergistic prebiotic powder
Traditionally used to support healthy digestion
Traditionally used to relieve symptoms of premenstrual tension
Support energy production
Promote immune defence
For extemporaneous compounding
Support body electrolyte balance
Phytonutrient-rich green drink