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  • A combination of 6 locally sourced biogenic flower essences with a purified water and brandy base

Negative condition

  • Feeling drained or flat
  • Out of balance with earth rhythms

Positive outcome

  • Reduces emotional effects of radiation
  • Sense of wellbeing
  • Harmony with life and the environment


  • 7 drops under the tongue morning and night


Contains ethanol
  • Always read the label
  • The ideas and suggestions identified here are not intended as a substitute for qualified healthcare advice
  • Contains homoeopathic ingredients


Epacris longiflora (Bush fuchsia)
Crowea saligna
Thysanotus tuberosus (Fringed violet)
Carica papaya (Paw paw)
Ptilotus atripicifolius (Mulla mulla)
Telopea speciosissima (Waratah)